Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Tribhuvan University Service Commission (TUSC) is independent authority responsible for managing the recruitment and promotion of academic and administrative staff within Tribhuvan University. It ensures transparency and meritocracy in these processes.
The functions, duties, powers and Rules of procedures of the Service Commission shall be as prescribed.
The Service Commission shall take academic competency and experience as the main grounds for making appointment and promotion of Teachers, and administrative efficiency and experience as the main grounds
for making appointment and promotion of employees.
The functions, duties, powers and remuneration, facilities and other terms of service of the chairperson and the members of the Service Commission shall be as prescribed.
Tribhuvan University Service Commission is constituted according to Tribhuvan University Act, 2049(1992), chapter 6 , authorized on 2049.9.22 B.S. (Jan. 6, 1993 A.D.). TU Service commission is an impartial and independent Service Commission consisting of the following members to make recommendation for the appointment and recommendation of the Teachers and employees of the University:
(a) Person appointed by the Chancellor – Chairperson
(b) Member, Public Service Commission -Member
(c) One from amongst Professors -Member
(2) The Chancellor shall form a committee under the chairpersonship of the Pro-chancellor and consisting of two members of the Assembly as its members to make recommendation for the appointment of the chairperson and member pursuant to Clauses (a) and (c) of Sub-section (1); and the chairperson and member shall be appointed by the Chancellor on recommendation of that committee.
(3) The term of office of the chairperson and the nominated member of the Service Commission shall be three years.
For Teachers' Open :
For Teachers' Internal :
For Staff Open :
For Staff Internal :